Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Mr. P Sainath

I was introduced to this great personality by a colleague of mine, he always used to talk about this guy. Usually i do "wiki" on person/place/action/word about any new stuff i hear from people. But sadly i wasn't that fast to wiki about this person [:(]. After doing a google about this guys name i found this wonderfull video. Please takeout some time of yours and see what this guy has to talk about "Global Inequality".


Hats off to this guy for such a great knowledge base !!!


ಭಿ.ಕುಲಕರ್ಣಿ said...

Its nice that you do wiki on whatever new things you come across Technology, place or even name for that matter..

This is Wiki usage at its best...

deadmanoncampus said...

Sainath seems to be another power hungry guy,another Ellsworth Monkton Toohey.This is my blog post on Sainath relating to NREGA.
