Friday, August 8, 2008


The greatest sporting event on the earth started today. I am very eager to see the opening ceremony. I love to see the 7~8 years of hard work which china has put to make this an un-forgettable event.

I also LOVE to see some YELLOW metal won by my country sports person. It's been 3 decades since we had a Gold Medal for our country. After becoming some what economically stable, hope parents would advise there kids to look for some sports as a career instead of Engg & Doc.

i am keeping my figures crossed to see this.

Here is the link of India's win/loose in Olympics.


Anonymous said...

seems like ur and mine and all our country man's prayers and wishes have been answered. We have won 1st GOLD medal after 28yrs..

Prasanna Mumbai said...

Yes dude.
I saw that i am very happy for that. The interia of praying for a GOLD is gone now. Hope of seeing 10's of them by the end of this event.

Ram said...

You are optimistic dude, I second that!

Srikanth G N said...

I agree with you, society's benchmark (Eng/Doctor,marriage,ownhouse, children) of success should not be an Indviduals aim. Parents are largely responsible for it.

Arun said...

So far greatest Olympic for India.Tally is increasing Nil in 1992, bronze in 96 and 2000, silver in 2004 and now 1 Gold and 1(May be some more) bronze. Hope this will be increase exponentially in coming days.